Friday, August 28, 2009

The Latest Movie Grades

In the spirit of the new school season, here are the latest movie grades. And now for your run-on sentence reading pleasure, I present, the grades:

The Time Traveler’s Wife – B- (We were disappointed with this one, but I still like Rachel McAdams and actually thought she completely suited her character and did a great job. The movie itself is just kind of blah. It’s entertaining to watch, but in the end, there’s no real point. Hylan and I were left talking about how there wasn’t much to talk about but some incongruities in the plot, but no strong theme to discuss, so maybe I still gave it too high of a grade, because honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever watch this one again. Oh well. It was fun reminiscing about the 90’s [as if that were so long ago, gosh].)

Julie & Julia – B+ (I absolutely adored the first half of this movie. I related to the women; Hylan related to the men, and we both related to the food! And of course we have an obsession with Paris that is yet still unfulfilled... But sadly, this movie tapered at about the 2/3’s point and even got a little boring especially as it focused more on the Julie story, but the Julia Child story needs to be made into a full-length movie! She is so likeable, charming, and delightful—Meryl Streep deserves an Oscar for this one, she’s incredible as per usual! You will fall in love with Julia Child! I highly recommend seeing this, even though I couldn’t give it an A grade because it has many great elements!)

The Soloist – B+ (Heavy movie. Jamie Fox was INCREDIBLE. I’d give him an Oscar for this performance. If you’re looking for a light-hearted movie, this is not it, so prepare yourself, but it is well made and gives a snapshot of a world entirely foreign to most of us sheltered people—believe me, most of you will think that you ARE sheltered even if you’ve never thought that before, after watching this movie. This one provokes deep discussion.)

500 Days of Summer – A- (Hylan and I both really enjoyed this movie: the acting, the characters the story, the writing, the REAListic view of relationships, and the wit and humor. I think young couples and singles will like this more than older generations, though.)

The Proposal- A (Love, Love, Loved this movie! It was so funny. Sandra and Ryan had terrific chemistry...and it was just so dang funny the whole way through. Did I mention the movie is laugh-out-loud funny? I couldn't stop thinking about how much I liked it after it was over--like for days. That never happens! I rarely, if ever, want to see the same movie twice, but I would have paid to see it again. It's definitely on a very short list of movies I want to own on dvd. I would highly recommend it to any adults! Oh, and Hylan liked it as much as me.)

Inkheart – C- (I’m not familiar with the book, but this was definitely a movie perfect for tweens. Other than that, it was just kind of lame.)

Knowing – C (Wow, umm, I guess we were interested in finishing this movie to see how it ended, but this movie was wacked! And really the themes were clichéd, not really explored well enough, and just plain lazy acting and movie making—sorry Nick, we like some of your movies like National Treasure and The Family Man (Hylan’s Favorite), but not this one. I’m surprised I gave it a C!)

Year One – F (Terrible, terrible, awful We walked out of the theater—good thing it was a dollar movie. Sacrilegious, crude, not even mildly humorous. No Good. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME!)

New in Town – B (Cutesy. Loved Renee in this movie, loved the silly themes like scrap booking. Just a great, light-hearted, feel-good kind of movie to watch while cuddled up in a blanket sipping hot cocoa—perhaps you’ll want to save it then for winter. Probably a chick flick, but I don’t think Hylan hated it because it was humorous.)

Last Chance Harvey – B+ (Charming, good story, great actors and acting, heart-warming and real. LOVE EMMA THOMPSON—the only movie I haven’t liked of hers that I’ve seen is Brideshead Revisited—Hylan would add Nanny McPhee but c’mon, that was cute—thanks Caroline and Aaron.)

Eagle Eye – C+ (This one got too long so I decided to fall asleep and let Hylan tell me how it ended because I just didn’t care anymore, but it was suspenseful for a little while.)

Please, I beg of you, dispute my claims. And then vote for Pizza Pretzels!!! :)

1 comment:

kimberly said...

We totally agree on the ones we've seen! (New in Town, Last Chance Harvy, and the Proposal) The Proposal was sooo funny! :-)