Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pillsbury and Oprah

So, last week there was some breaking news on the Pillsbury front. Wanna be in the know?

For the first time in the contest's 60-year history, Oprah Winfrey will announce the winner of the 44th Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest live on her show, Wednesday April 14th.

That means if I win my category (4.34% chance), I will immediately fly to Chicago to be on the Oprah show.

Whoa that was big news, Emily.

I have to admit that kind of freaks me out a bit. Rest assured, if I don't make it to Oprah, I am still enjoying my sunny Florida vacation. So it's a win-win. You can be happy for me either way... and so will I.

1 comment:

Marissa Marie said...

That's awesome! I'm a little jealous of your Florida vacation, but also, all the possibilities!!