- sleeping in!
- 3 hour hikes in the summertime in the mountains
- folding laundry while watching daytime talkshows or the news
- checking CNBC for the latest stock updates
- mid-morning workouts at the gym
- early afternoon workouts at the gym
- 3:00 pm showers because of said early afternoon workouts
- two-a-day workouts (cardio during the day and evening fitness classes)
- planning and preparing meals
- baking often
- spending time with my sis and nieces whenever we feel like it during daytime hours
- helping people out when they need it
- being healthy and avoiding illness
- keeping my home spotless 24/7 without fail, and cleaning even when it looks clean
- grocery shopping during non busy times
- blogging frequently
- plenty of time to "get everything done" every single day
Alright, alright, I could go on and on...but let me vent for a sec, please?
There are plenty of benefits to full time employment especially at my new job, but I'm mourning the loss of my old life for a moment and then I'll move on.
Well, Happy Anniversary to me and Hylan on Monday, April 13th. Three years and counting. I couldn't have made a better decision without divine inspiration!
Happy new week to all of my blogging buddies!!! :)
hope your anniversary! you two are so awesome.
you and i are so alike... i always make lists of things i will miss about old jobs. well, that is... when i HAD jobs.
anyways, congrats and goodluck!
lol... i meant to say, hope your anniversary is great... happy anniversary! but instead i gave the VERY short nonsense version... sorry!
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